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Don Bosco Matadi - Monrovia

Home for the young

31st January 2013: A DAY FULL OF LIFE!

Full of life the 31st January 2013 in Matadi.
To prepare it, the faithful of Holy Innocent Parish, the Students of Mary Help of Christians, the Boys and girls of Youth Centre-Oratory, the Aspirants prepared it with 9 days to know more don Bosco, to imitate him to pray together with him.
The girls and the boys of the school started the day around the altar with the celebration of the Mass, followed by the March past throughout the streets of Matadi. At 12 o’clock the lunch has been served to all the 500 students and the staff. At 1:00 pm in the hall, the pupils of the school animated the show with dances, songs, dramas. From 2:00 pm and 3:30 pm everybody have been involved in different games for the inter-house sport day.
At 4:00 pm the doors have been open for the boys and girls and the youths of the Don Bosco Oratory. They challenged each others in different games: football, kick ball, volleyball, basketball.  The day ended with a plate of rice for all.
Meanwhile, at 6:00 pm the Community, the aspirants, and 2 representatives from each sector have been invited to join the feast in 8th Str.  Sinkor. More than 60 persons were present; among them where the benefactors, friends, collaborators.  The meeting started with the prayer of the vesper of St. John Bosco, followed by the show of a video on the strenna 2013 and of the Power Point on the activities of the mission in Matadi.
The feast has been honored by the participation of His  Grace Catholic Archbishop of Monrovia . Lewis Zeigler who presided the celebration of the Mass for the students of St. Joseph High technical School and in the evening participated to the feast in 8th Str. Organized by the Salesians to honour Don Bosco.



A day full of life!


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12th February, 2013 by Admin





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