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Don Bosco Matadi - Monrovia

Home for the young


On 25th September, 1991 The Salesian of Don Bosco established the Sean Devereux Don Bosco Youth Centre.  It is named in memory of the late British Salesian Volunteer, Sean Devereux, who worked in Liberia and Somalia.

The Centre is a venue for Youth development, reconciliation and rehabilitation. The DBYC caters the youths of the nearby communities of Lakpazee, Fiamah, New Matadi, Old Matadi, Airfield and other adjacent areas of Monrovia.

The youth provides a range of activities including vocational education, recreation, academic assistance, counseling and youth retreats.

Generally the activities are geared toward helping young people to appreciate one another through their daily interaction thereby cultivating genuine acts of tolerance, love and concern for one another. Moreover, the activities assist the youths in acquiring marketable skills in tailoring and clerk typing. 


An integral youth able to cope with life’s challenges especially those presented by Liberia post-war and a family with positive atmosphere that supports the integral development of its children


Our mission is to facilitate the physical, intellectual, spiritual, personal/social and career development and progress of each youth through the activities of the youth Centre.

Salesian involved:

Fr. Mathew Udoka (Salesian in charge)

Bro. Josaphat Ike Nwugo (Part time)

Dn Raphael Iroboman (Part Time and from March 2013)

Fr Nichola Ciarapica (Part Time)

Lay People:

Mr. Pa Aloysius Klon (PRO and Projects Supervisors) Full time

Animators - Groups Leaders

Basketball coach 

Football coach

2 Ecology Operators


1. To maximize the social, economical, spiritual, intellectual and physical health of the youths in Matadi and its environs.

2. To create opportunities for young people to develop skills that enable them to participate effectively in the rebuilding of Liberia by promoting an atmosphere that encourages young people to develop and nurture careers and skills appropriate to their talents, needs and capacities.

3. To facilitates an environment of peer support amongst the young people of Matadi through the SYM/0Animators presence.

4. To meet with young people in Matadi on a regular weekly basis so as to constantly influence their choices, options and behaviors

5. To engage parents, guardians an care givers in the lives of their young people.



1. Friends of Dominic Savio

2. Young AIDS Flighters

3. Friends of Sen Devereux (Kickball team)

4. Don Bosco Legends (Senior basketball team)

5. Don Bosco Shooter (Junior Basketball team)

6. Don Bosco Smashers (Boys Volleyball team)

7. Michael Rua Scout Group

8. Don Cagliero Dance Crew

9. Zatti FC (Senior Football team)

10. Stars (Junior Football team)

11. Don Bosco Club (Christ the King School, Monrovia – Mary Help of Christians school, Matadi – St. Kizitho Paynesville – St. Michael, Badnersville - St. Joseph, 8th str.)

12. Don Bosco Taikwando (Karate Group)

13. Savio Male Chorus

14. Vocation group

15. CASA (Catholic Students Association)

Activities of the groups to reach the finalities of the vision:

Active participation to the meetings, Counseling and accompaniment, Consultation, Prayer & worship, Retreat & Pilgrimages, Outreach & Camping,  Visit the needy & Support system and Collaboration, Workshop and Seminars, Talent shows & exhibitions, Focused group discussions $ Debate competitions, Musical concerts & Music therapy, Publications & Writing therapy (art), Computer classes, Music classes, Video Forum, Drama & expressive therapy, Games/Sports & Recreation Therapy


Beginning of organized activities: September 2012

Belonging Feast

Holyday Camp 

8th December Immaculate Conception Feast

31 January: St. John Bosco Feast

6th  May: St. dominic Savio Feast

24th  May: Mary Help of Christians Feast

Holiday Camp



titolo galleria


See all photos of gallery




11th September, 2012 by don Nicola Ciarapica





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