Don Bosco Matadi - Monrovia

Home for the young


First of all, I thank the Lord who hears the prayers of so many and so far has protected us from the contagion. Among other intentions we pray and we ask prayers  that our faith may not be shaken, that  we continue to believe that the Lord is on our side and that we are in his fatherly arms although  the news  of cases of infection closer to our mission are reported.  
Unfortunately, here in Monrovia the Ebola virus continues to make victims and every day there are still new cases to the point that the prepared structures seem to be not enough. The situation is somewhat confused and people are afraid ... afraid not only of the disease but also to be isolated or be brought to the places assigned for the sick when  a family member is infected;  consequence is that people hide the corpses without denouncing them, to have time to move in other parts. This movement of infected people spread the contagion. The fear causes to lose confidence in the health service, people even doesn’t trust in the official hospitals. Often people are afraid to seek treatment for malaria, typhoid fever or a cough ... so many die for these diseases!
In Matadi, 70% of the population lives with the daily work (there are vendors selling at roadside stands, taxi drivers, workers, the unemployed ...). Only 30% have a house built with concrete blocks. Most of the families live in one or two rooms made of zinc plates! They have little money to eat less for a house, still less for a protected hygienic environment.
With the more mature and prepared animators we continue our service of information, distribution of hygienic supplies, collaboration with medical organizations and especially we helping the families who are struggling financially just to eat every day. The good news is that on 28 August, the WHO (World Health Organization) has proposed and sought funding for a project to reduce the infection within 6-9 months of the Ebola virus haemorrhagic fever, eradicating and preventing the spread of the virus in other nations. They are all good reasons and intention for our prayers.

Don Nicola Ciarapica





10th September, 2014 by Admin





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