Don Bosco Matadi - Monrovia

Home for the young


From the 30th of August to the 1st of September, 87 young people from 13 Parishes of the Archdiocese of Monrovia gathered at the Sean Devereux Don Bosco Youth Centre for reflections and sharing on Vocation and Carrier. The event took place daily from 2.00pm to 6.30pm. It was a very enriching event as many youth shared their faith and their dreams, and the prospect of a happy future. 

Among the topics and reflections considered were: LIFE AS VOCATION & MISSION, PRIESTLY ROLE MODELSENCOURAGEMENTParental Role and responsibility. The youth were encouraged and adviced not to feel awkward in confiding in the priest.

Other topics were: FR. CAFASSO: DON BOSCO SPIRITUAL GUIDE: Don Bosco’s Encounter with his Spiritual Director, Fr. Caffaso

The importance of Spiritual Direction for discernment was emphasised. It was noted that Priests should be seen as representing God, having something special others do not.

The following questions were considered at the GROUP DISCUSSION: In this relationship between the priest and the adolescent John: What does the priest offer the Youngman? What is it that the young man has to offer to the priest? Have you ever had a priest friend, a religious who was really interested in you (a soul friend) ? Have you had the experience of losing a soul friend? Have you had the experience of not having anyone to give you a hand when you need it most, to reach your life’s goals? What would attract young people to priesthood, religious life, church in general? What spiritual ‘EXPERIENCES’ do you carry out in your Youth Groups? How many priests or marriages came from “your youth group”?

SOME OF THE OTHER QUESTIONS FOR GROUP SHARING were: “What do you get from/by being a priest/sister/nun? Does God choose only  goodie goodie people? Can we join at any age ?  What if we have a girl friend or a boy friend and later decide to come?  Do we have to give up the talents we posses. Eg. Sports, Music, computers? How many years does it take to become a religious ? (Explain) Can we leave in the middle? How many types of vocations are there ?  How do I know God is calling me?  It could be my own imagination?       

Another EXERCISE IN GROUPS was on Helping the youth to see the value of their choice to become priest, religious or regularly married.

There were occassions for JOB SHADOWING and a 'Come and See' experience. Various religious groups present in the Archdiocese were invited and they came qnd shared their lives with the youth. The religious came from the Salesians, Marist, St. John of God, Missionary of Charity, SMA and the Jesuits. One lay person shared briefly on the married life.

Spending some days or time at one's desired-future place of work and at various religious communities/seminary/monastery was said to be helpful in guiding young people's  CHOICES/DECISIONS in life.

BOOKLETS ON VARIOUS RELIGIOUS INSTITUTES were shared among the young people.

ATTRACTIVE PRESENTATIONS on the LIVES OF THE SAINST were made. These were the saints the young people reflected on: 

St Dominic Savio, Blessed Laura Vicuna, St. Francis of Assisi, Story of Don Bosco, St. Francis Xavier, Martyrs of Uganda, St. John Mary Vianney.

Each day ended with ADORATION/MUSIC/SILENCE that culminated with the Benediction.



Vocation Weekend


See all photos of gallery




11th September, 2012 by Fr. Matthew Udoka





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