Mary Help of Christians School was established by the Salesian of Don Bosco in 2003 in order to accommodate and cater the school-going children within the communities of Old and New Matadi, Airfield, Lakpaee and Fiamah.
The aim of the school is to provide a firm, solid elementary foundation to enable them to enroll and cope in other institutions.
Like the other catholic school in the Archdiocese, Mary Help of Christians School operates under the umbrella of the Catholic Education Secretariat, but is recognized now as private school run economically by the Salesians and with the educative style of St. John Bosco.
The school was officially opened on November 17, 2003.
Presently there are classes from grade 1 to 12 and from Kindergarten one (K-1) to grade four.
Salesians Involved: Fr Mathew Udoka (Active Principal Music Teacher), Fr Nicola Ciarapica, Br. Josaphat (Assistant – RME Teacher)
Acting Principal: Fr Mathew Udoka SDB
Vice-Principal I: Mr. Othello S. Williams
Dean of Studies: Mr. Alfred G. Tefleh
Registrar: Mr. Jaycee Bombo
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13th September, 2012 by don Nicola Ciarapica